Saturday 20 August 2011

Sights in the City

'If at first you don't succeed, do it the way your mother told you to.'
-- Author Unknown

What a week I have had, for those of you who have children that were waiting for their A Level results, you know how stressful this can become.  After 2 years of study your child waits to hear their results, then they do, and OMG if you are lucky it ends there - grades were as expected and they had an offer from their University of choice.

However, if your child was one of those who had to go into clearing for whatever reason, no offers, grades less than expected then what a nightmare.... The information provided said, go on UCAS find out what vacancies there are and then contact the University to get an offer over the phone, then put your offer into the clearing section of the website.  The UCAS website crashed, and only provided intermittent access.

Being the control freak that I have become and being in the uneviable position of having a child who had spent the last 2 years, drinking, smoking and socialising with friends (crap grades were the result) I took matters into my own hands. In 20 minutes I had spoken to a college that were offering the degree my child wanted to study and negotiated an unconditional offer.  Job Done! with only  2 E's to work with I think I did fantastically well.  It then took another 36 stressful hours to get the information on to the UCAS website, register and apply for the student loan and I even managed to get my child an application form for a part-time job, completing the form and writing a CV.

If there are any parents out there who are in a similar position my heart goes out to you, however my advice is do not panic, get over your disappointment (or save it for later) get on that phone and start negotiating.

No doubt I was far too busy to go my usual fashion police trip around the city.  Dont worrry I will be back on duty next week.  I do however, have a few accessories that you may want to buy!  Take a look and feel free to buy one for yourself and one for someone who is close to you.  I will be adding new lines regularly!

Chunky heart and stone necklace

Friday 5 August 2011

Sights in the City

This week has been a series of 'bad hair days', it has been hectic, stressful and not very productive.  I usually get some inspiration for my weekly blog when I go out an about doing my weekly shopping or other event.  This week I have been surrounded by workmen of one description or another so I have seen 'builders bum' from every angle.....and none of them were appealing.
Having waited 2 extra days to get the plumber to fix the toilet, when I got the bill, I am sure he charged me extra for the view!

Returning from my local shops, I was walking behind a young man, and I couldnt help noticing that his low slung jeans were the lowest I had ever seen, whilst I was marvelling at how he was able to defy gravity and keep them up.....oops they fell.  He quickly yanked them up and carried on walking without even breaking his stride.  Clearly this happened quite a lot.

Being in a bit of a bad mood... I couldnt help it.... I caught up with him and asked him why just didnt wear a belt or buy his proper size.  He looked at me like I had gone mad and laughed and said 'its young people's fashion you wouldnt understand'.  I agreed with him, as the thought of buying a skirt that was 2 sizes too big and having to 'yank it up' every time it fell down around my knees is not my idea of fashion.

Urban Man Fashion?
Come on Guys, I am sure it wouldnt look any worse if you just put on a belt and pulled your shorts up.  We will assume you are wearing underpants even if we cant see them.  I won't even mention the rolled up vest, its him expressing his individuality.

Next week I will be back out in the City and I will be leaving the local youngsters to their fashion!