Friday 15 July 2011

Sights in the City

Today was a strange day, I attended my youngest son's graduation ceremony.  Along with his classmates he was graduating from primary school at the tender age of 11.  All the children were given the morning off school in order as their headteacher put it 'to beautify themselves'.  So my son who is a typical boy of his age gave in to demands and spent slightly longer than five minutes in the bath, and even managed to use some 'smelly stuff' before getting dressed in the obligatory suit and tie.

Once we arrived, I noticed that whilst the boys looked a little uncomfortable in their suits..pulling the tie loose when their mothers weren't looking; the girls on the other hand was a different sight.  The girls had indeed being 'beautifying' themselves, some with better outcomes than others.  There were 8 girls wearing the same dress, a few admittedly in different colours - so they were not pleased.  They had just experienced the first painful fashion lesson, you spend weeks picking your dress, your accessories etc and then turn up only to find that you are wearing the same dress as someone else and you have lost your moment to shine. Then there is lesson number 2, life is not fair, the slightly chubby boys were able to hide their little tummies behind their waistcoats, but the chubby girls had nowhere to hide theirs.

As I looked around the room, I could see that some of the scars of the day would not heal for a long time.  Those young people who were told how good they looked preened and will have had their confidence and style acknowledged by their peers and onlookers.  But there were those who got not comments, who no-one asked to be in a photo with them.  The young lady who wore the white dress and everyone could see her knickers; the young lady whose well endowed front spilled out of her dress and the child whose parents could not afford the 'prom frock' but had to make do with clean casuals; how will this effect them in later life.

So for some, I am sure they will remember having a good time with friends, but there will be others who will only remember embarrassment and being unhappy or worse still become some of the offenders that I will no doubt continue to write about in my blog.

On a slightly more lighter note, I can still report that the habit of wearing underwear as outer garments has not abated and can still be seen in the city.  Ladies do you not realise that although leggings are made from stretchy fabrics, you still need to buy your size.  If you take the opportunity to buy a small, when you really need a large then at the top it will be so stretched, you will be showing off more than just your curves.

Remember to check your rear view mirror before leaving the house

Size is not just a number it is an essential instruction - it lets you know that you won't fall out!

So have a lovely week and remember, check the mirror before you leave the house, and don't confuse personal style with personal fashion faux pas.


Anonymous said...

You are really a good writer. You had me in stitches when i read about the two lessons. Many congratulation to him:-)...Love the photos too!!!SS

Unknown said...

Thanks, I hope that my advice to the world does not go unheard.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia, your new blog is really a brilliant idea. Good to express our view in relation to fashion and acknowledge that sometimes our figure just don't fit with the fashion in vogue! Wear what makes you look good and feel good not what everyone is wearing to go with the flow!

Via facebook