Friday 29 July 2011

Sights in the City

My thoughts over the week turn to the killings in Norway and the death of Amy Winehouse.  I am reminded of the saying, 'too much, too little, too late'. I am sure that many would like to go back a few days and make a difference to the outcomes of these tragedies but alas that is not gifted to us as human beings.

Not being one to spend too much time getting all depressed, I looked around the world of fashion to see if I could get some inspiration for something light-hearted to change my mood.  I struggled this week, instead I came across the story of a young girl from South London who was willing to pay a very high price to 'follow fashion'.

How much are we really willing to pay to 'follow fashion'? 

Why is it that at the sight of some celebrity doing or wearing something absolutely ridiculous we all get on the band wagon.  I am sure you are all not me, but have your really checked yourself.

How many of you own high heeled shows? I guess quite a few but do you also pay more than just the price tag on the box.

Beautiful shoes....

Beautiful bunions

I can hear it now....... they are not that high... they are comfortable... its got a platform so its not really that high.....  Sorry that bunion looks fairly painful to me, and not the sort of thing you would highlight as your best asset.

You cannot possibly have missed the huge bling earring worn by many music celebs, many of whom are also acknowledged for their style and fashion.  So you don't own any bling ear rings, but what about a nice pair vintage ear rings?

Well as the young lady in Peckham found out, when she woke up one morning to find her lovely designer earrings on her pillow, it will cost more than the earring to put her ear right.

Still saying, not me...well do you have a tasteful tattoo?  Go on admit it, the one that is covered up with your usual work uniform...

Would you think that it was worth it if your beautiful, yet simple and artistic tattoo turned out like this?

For those of us who want stars in our eyes, is this really worth it.  That twinkle in your eye should be because you enjoy life, not because you want to buy life.

My advice is to you all, is whilst it is nice to have a moment of fame, don't let it be due to the fact you have injured yourself in pursuit of following fashion!


Ms SR said...

Totally agree Sylvia,but I think its good to stay current but look after your health too. I bought my first wedges this weekend at the insistence of my teenage daughter. I wasn't sure I wanted them because of the height, but loved them when I got home. They are comfortable, modern and look great under my maxi dresses.No danger of a bunion in sight lol.

Unknown said...

Thanks Ms SR, I am glad that your wedges are comfortable, and usually they are easier to wear, but the first sign of soreness, take them off no matter how good they look.