Saturday 1 September 2012

Sights in the City

Its been a while since I wrote a blog, or felt the need to express myself in this way, but this week has been most inspirational.  Its easy to think of oneself as a good Samaritan helping those who need it, or who depend on you.  Its easy for someone to say 'thank you, I'll never forget what you have done' truth what you have done is forgotten in a heartbeat after you deed was completed.

I find that those who say thank you all the time are 'takers' as they very often don't hear the words said to them as they don't do anything for anyone else.  Needless to say if I had a £1 for every time I heard 'thank you' I would be very rich indeed.

Back to the point I was making....what sights have I seen in the city lately that have got me chomping at the bit....


I have been round for a while...a euphemism for being old...... but leggings were something that you wore under your clothes, at best you would wear a long jumper or short dress.  Now it seems that not only are they worn with a short top, they are also see-through. 

Come what point did see-through leggings become the essential item in your wardrobe!

A friend on Facebook commented on her horror at women who have scary painted eyebrows...I recall interviewing someone for a job who had shaved her eyebrows off and painted on two thick black lines.

 The only problem was that she had got one 'eyebrow' significantly higher than the other one!  Not only was it meant that her whole interview was spent trying to pretend that they weren't there, but I couldn't remember any of her answers even though I was trying to write them down!

So for all you ladies out there who think that your painted eyebrows are the height of beauty and fashion take a look at these babies!...

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